What God Say Anbout Caring More About Fashion Then Him

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Should Christians Care About Fashion?

Today, I received this comment from a woman named Apr on my post most my feel with Run up Fix:

"This is the most superficial post ever. Equally a Christian woman, it grieves me to run across a person "of religion" similar you lot caring about your outward appearance. How disappointing. Jesus doesn't care virtually our looks, He cares about our center. And yous have but shown that your heart is shallow and self-centered. You are an awful example to young girls and perpetuating the lie that appearance matters."

If you similar to vesture t-shirts or you lot are planning an activity and y'all need a few, remember that metallic ink screen printing can be used to highlight other colors on a t-shirt such every bit white, silverish, statuary, or a range of pale colors that pick up low-cal just also.


It's ok. I've been called a lot of names the final few years, and I've learned that neither my confidence nor my identity rely on the approval of others.

I was thinking about this woman's comment, though, and how her opinion is probably non too far off from many Christian opinions about how concerned nosotros should be with what we wear. I call up too oft, we wait at a woman'southward outward appearance, and conclude that if she wears makeup or high heels or has her pilus done, she must be one-dimensional, superficial or conceited.After all, the Bibledoessay,

"Therefore I tell y'all, do not worry about your life, what you lot will eat or drink; or about your body, what yous will habiliment. Is not life more than than food, and the body more than dress?" {Matt. 6:25}

Seems pretty straightforward, correct? Merely I don't retrieve Jesus is saying that we shouldn't care almost what nosotros vesture, rather we shouldn't worry almost our time to come–nosotros shouldn't devote our energies to disturbing about what is going to happen years down the road. By worrying most such things, nosotros are denying the ability of God, and admitting that we do not fully trust Him to provide for our basic needs. We are here to honey, worship and serve God and stand for Him hither on earth.Our bodies are intended to be our servants, not our masters. I truly believe God wants his ambassadors to reflect Him in a magnificent way; He is, later on all, a God of beauty.

So as a Christian adult female, should I care almost what I clothing? Or is that narcissistic?

Information technology depends.

First,whydo y'all care about what you are wearing?Is it because you desperately want approval from those around you? Is it considering yous seek condolement and satisfaction in what you lot article of clothing, instead of in God?

Or, as is my instance, do you desire your outsides to be a tangible reflection of what's going on inside?

Friends, this is where my passion lies. As I've written earlier, since healing my heart, a new function of my soul awakened. And it doesn't desire to hide under a t-shirt and jeans anymore.

"Whatsoever yous do, work at it with all your heart, every bit working for the Lord" {Colossians 3:23)

I think we accept a duty to accept intendance of ourselves as women. I honestly believe information technology brings God great joy when I am represent Him to the best of my power.I intendance about what I wear considering I intendance about how I correspond Christ.Information technology doesn't mean that I should flaunt myself or vesture revealing apparel or seek attention from other people.

When I was younger, I recollect that was my motive. I was and so self-conscious and such a people-pleaser, that I but wanted the approval of my peers.And I remember that'southward a sin.

But at present? Now, when I wake upward and decide what to put on, I often ask Jesus,"What doyouthink I should vesture today to reflect your glory?"May seem superficial, just I believe when our human relationship with God is so personal, so intimate, as if He is our all-time friend, Hecaresvirtually even the "mundane" things in our lives. Helongsfor that kind of relationship with us–one where we inquire His opinion, take His advice, and yearn for His influence. He finds joy in the things we observe joy in. I discover joy in wearing a flattering cocktail clothes from Peaches Boutique that boosts my conviction.

And and then, April, I am pitiful that you believe that past me finding joy in brilliant colors, flowing dresses or a charming necklace, I am somehowless of a Christian than you lot.Because I think yous're missing out on a whole other realm in your human relationship with Jesus.

My Jesus loves my heart, this I know. And my heart is securely rooted in Him.

My only prayer is that when someone sees my outward dazzler, they will merely see the reflection of Jesus bursting forth from my heart.

Should Christians Care About Fashion?

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